Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Nuk Replacement Spouts - Buy in Larger Lots to Save Money On Shipping

When your baby starts using Nuk Active or Nuk Learner 2 handled sippy cups, they most likely have teeth by then.  That means that they will love to chew on their bottle nipples, or, if they have transitioned to a sippy cup, they will want to chew on their sippy cup spouts.  As a result, you may find yourself buying new cups every few weeks or so just to keep up with the tears or rips in the spouts.

Nuk replacement spouts are giving you an alternative to replacing your fairly expensive Nuk sippy cups.  The really great thing is that you can buy them in larger lots, all the way up to 24 spouts in one order, thus saving money on trips to the store and repeated shipping costs by CLICKING HERE 

In addition, if you reorder on this site, you will receive discount coupon codes for your future purchases.  You also have your choice of free shipping which many customers seem to love.  You could take the time to get in your car, pack up your kids, drive a half hour to find a parking space, unload the kids and go to your favorite store like Walmart or Target or KMart, only to find that the few spouts they had in stock were now out of stock . . . or, worse yet, they really don't carry the Nuk replacement spouts.  That's the reality of the new online shopping.  What you need is there, for your convenience, at your finger tips.